The first phase of a successful restructuring is understanding what a business is. Yemnak has promoted business evaluation as a service for firms facing change in the GCC, assisting them in identifying their weaknesses, strengths, and potential growth areas:


1. SWOT Analysis: This assesses both internal and external characteristics of the business to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.


2. Market positioning involves determining the firm place in the competitive landscape of the GCC and its growth prospects.


3. Operational Review: This involves evaluating the processes for underperformance and exploring potential ways to enhance their effectiveness.


4. Financial Performance Analysis is the process of evaluating profitability by analyzing key performance indicators in the database and identifying potential areas for savings.


5. Growth Potential Assessment involves identifying growth and equilibrium opportunities.


Yemnak’s business assessment enables you to place your company accurately using a regional perspective while making enhancements to global practices.


Yemnak helps a business deal with local challenges by providing the right guidance with global opportunities leading to success. Let's meet for a customized assessment for your next investment or business idea.